Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

An Inclusive Economy

November 9, 2023

Jeff Bezos is Leaving Seattle – So What?

What can we really learn about taxes, wealth, and policy from the behavior of one person?

Retirement Security

October 31, 2023

How Can We Close The Retirement Savings Gap?

Lessons from Oregon as Washington’s leaders consider next steps

A Fair Deal at Work

October 26, 2023

LGBTQ+ History Month: Celebrating the Legacy of Queer Labor Organizing

The queer community has always been an economic powerhouse - in unions, they found equity and recognition

An Inclusive Economy

October 20, 2023

Who Benefits from a Wealth Tax? In Washington, it’s Everyone

Many Washington counties don't have a single resident who would pay a wealth tax - but they would benefit

Healthy Communities

October 5, 2023

A Love Letter to My Country Roots – and Why We Need Urgent Solutions to Improve Rural Health Care

I know from experience - we can and must do better for rural Washingtonians


September 28, 2023

Coming to a town near you—the EOI Policy Team!

To understand the needs and priorities of our state’s different regions, EOI is listening to the people and communities most impacted by our policy priorities.

Research Feed

State of Working Washington
With Unemployment Still High, why are Some Businesses Struggling to Hire?

Hint: it's not your stimulus check — or your neighbor's unemployment benefits

Progressive Tax Reform
Washington: From Affluence to Prosperity

A key reason for Washington's failure to achieve economic prosperity is the state's unfair tax system