Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Retirement Security

January 11, 2024

Aging in America Shouldn’t Be So Awful

Poverty among seniors is skyrocketing – but it doesn’t have to be


December 19, 2023

Help EOI Kickoff the New Year and the 2024 Legislative Session!

Register for our Session Kickoff Event Today: January 4th, 2024


December 19, 2023

2024 Legislative Priorities

By strengthening the core pillars of our economy – including child care, health care, educational opportunity, economic security, and our public revenue system – we can diminish economic, racial, and gender inequity.


December 5, 2023

10 Lessons from EOI’s Road Trips

We represent all of Washington State - so we decided to drive around it.


November 27, 2023

We’re hiring: EOI is seeking our next Executive Director!

Apply to be EOI's next Executive Director by January 5th, 2024

Research Feed

State of Working Washington
Economic Update: Employment and the Labor Force

Part 1/5: Unemployment continues to decline -- but there's substantial room for improvement.

Paid Family and Medical Leave
Improving Access to Washington’s Paid Family & Medical Leave Program

SB 5649 factsheet

State of Working Washington
Washington’s Economy is (Slowly) Adding Jobs, but an Equitable Recovery is a Long Way Off

To rebuild, we need to create good jobs, eliminate structural barriers to employment, and value caregiving

Paid Family and Medical Leave
BIPOC Women’s Experiences Using Washington’s Paid Family & Medical Leave Program

EOI and Families of Color Seattle conducted listening sessions on BIPOC’s experiences with PFML - here's what we learned