Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Healthy Communities

February 22, 2024

Why Is Health Care Declining in Washington? Look to Hospital Consolidation

People are hurting in our state. And it’s no accident.

Funding Public Services

February 7, 2024

Washington Future Fund Gains Grassroots Momentum

The Washington Future Fund, also known as baby bonds, is getting noticed.

An Inclusive Economy

February 2, 2024

What is REET and Why Do We Need to Reform It?

Washington State lawmakers have the chance to make a progressive tax more progressive and provide a permanent funding source for affordable housing

Progressive Tax Reform

January 23, 2024

Report: Washington no longer has the most regressive tax structure in the nation

This is both cause for celebration and a call to action

Retirement Security

January 22, 2024

“Washington Saves” legislation won’t solve our retirement security crisis. Lawmakers should pass it anyway.

The details of this auto IRA policy matter.

A Fair Deal at Work

January 17, 2024

Which Costs More: Shoplifting or Wage Theft? The Answer Might Surprise You

Wage theft continues to rob workers - but Washington is stepping up

Research Feed

State of Working Washington
Economic Update: Inflation and Family Budgets

Part 5/5: Prices for child care, rent, and health insurance have risen faster than wages for years

State of Working Washington
Economic Update: Wealth Inequality

Part 4/5: The gap between the top 1% and everyone else in the U.S. continues to widen

State of Working Washington
Economic Update: Workers’ Wages and Corporate Profits

Part 3/5: Recent wage gains for workers are dwarfed by growth in corporate profits

State of Working Washington
Economic Update: Business and Jobs

Part 2/5: While high-wage sectors have grown, low- and moderate-wage jobs are still making up pandemic losses