Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Progressive Tax Reform

June 17, 2020

All-Cuts Budget Will Deepen and Lengthen the COVID-19 Recession

Washington's tax code guarantees more hardship – unless lawmakers enact reforms

Retirement Security

June 9, 2020

Social Security’s long-term outlook is strong, but Americans’ retirement prospects are declining

Federal policymakers should act now to expand benefits as impact of COVID-19 pandemic widens


June 3, 2020

EOI Statement of Solidarity with Black Americans and Communities of Color

Police brutality is a mechanism of a white supremacist system


May 27, 2020

EOI’s 2019 Annual Report

We are proud to announce the release of EOI's 2019 Annual Report!


April 28, 2020

Structural Racism Helps Explain COVID-19 Disparities

The COVID-19 crisis gives us an opportunity to make structural changes for a better society

Research Feed