Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Inclusive Health Access

January 25, 2021

Solve Washington’s Maternal Health Crisis

Support SB5068 to Extend Postpartum Medicaid Coverage


January 1, 2021

Help us Build a Brighter Future for Washington

We reached our goal! Thank you!

December 22, 2020

A Bright Spot in 2020 for Washington State

The successes and lessons learned in Washington's first year implementing Paid Family and Medical Leave

An Inclusive Economy

December 18, 2020

The Governor’s Budget Takes First Steps Towards an Equitable Recovery – Now Let’s Go Further

We need bolder stimulative investments, using additional progressive revenue sources to meet the moment


December 18, 2020

The Pathway to a Strong Recovery

Our 2021 legislative priorities

An Inclusive Economy

November 20, 2020

We Can Invest in Us

Progressive Revenue to Advance Racial Equity

Research Feed

A Fair Deal at Work
Growing Jobs, Stagnant Wages

Jobs are booming, but wages are fizzling for (most) Washington workers

An Inclusive Economy
Growing Jobs, Stagnant Wages, Increasing Inequality and Rising Prices

The State of Working Washington: Full Report

State of Working Washington
The Unemployment Rate Isn’t All That Matters

“Slack” is why wages are low even when unemployment is down

An Inclusive Economy
Income Inequality in Washington

The Wealthy Are Getting Wealthier and Everyone Else Isn't