Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Progressive Tax Reform

April 1, 2021

The Wealth Tax Moves Forward!

The House Finance Committee takes a significant step toward a more just tax code for Washington

An Inclusive Economy

March 27, 2021

Budgets from Senate and House Democrats Take Steps Towards a Fair Tax Code for Washington

Proposals includes new progressive revenues and sound investments—the right medicine to build a healthier and more equitable recovery

An Inclusive Economy

March 27, 2021

Excluded from Aid, but Essential to Us All

Immigrant Women Making History

Healthy Communities

March 19, 2021

Reproductive Rights are an Economic Justice Issue

Reproductive rights are tied to everything

Progressive Tax Reform

March 18, 2021

Washington’s Revenue Forecast Doesn’t Reflect the Needs of the People

Federal dollars might fund the first round of COVID recovery, but without progressive revenues we can’t build the infrastructure needed for a more equitable economy

Research Feed

Educational Opportunity
Washington State Early Learning Hiring and Retention Survey

Statewide Survey Shows Low Pay, High Turnover Cause Education Quality Deficits

Early Learning
Dynamics in Early Childhood Education in Washington State

A Case Study on the Impacts of Low Wages and Inadequate Public Support

State of Working Washington
Washington State’s Race Gaps

It's not just money - gaps in opportunity span multiple areas

Retirement Security
Delivering on the Promise of Social Security: America’s Pension Plan

Social Security dramatically reduces poverty