Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Funding Public Services

August 24, 2021

2021 Federal Reconciliation Package Priorities

The U.S. Congress is working out the details of a Human and Care Infrastructure package that will make major investments in childcare, health care, paid family and medical leave and more

Paid Family and Medical Leave

August 13, 2021

Hard-Won Equity Expansions of Washington’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Take Effect

Learn about the improved benefits now available to you and your family

State of Working Washington

August 10, 2021

New State Programs May Ease a Short-Term Evictions Crisis, but Steep Rent Hikes Spell Trouble

State and local lawmakers must fashion new policies to reshape our housing market

Equal Pay

August 3, 2021

Black Women’s Equal Pay Day

What it means and what we can do to close racial income gaps

Healthy Communities

July 30, 2021

Happy Anniversary to Medicare and Medicaid

What we've gained and why it's urgent to keep pushing for change

Research Feed

A Fair Deal at Work
Washington’s Employment Picture

A look at the numbers shows room for improvement

State of Working Washington
Public Higher Education Tuition in Washington

State budget cuts have pushed the cost of college out of reach

State of Working Washington
The Demographics of Washington’s Workers

How age, diversity and education are changing the state's workforc

State of Working Washington
Tax Incentives for Washington Corporations

Companies Like Amazon Receive Millions in Benefits, But Cut Jobs and Pay No Taxes