Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Paid Family and Medical Leave

November 19, 2021

Build Back Better Passes the House

We're one step closer to a historic and necessary investment in working families


November 17, 2021

A New Way to Power Progress

We made stock giving easy. Learn more about the benefits of donating stock to EOI!

Ending Corporate Tax Breaks

October 22, 2021

How Corporate Consolidation Undermines Worker and Consumer Power

Increased corporate power and consolidation may be a driver behind the rise in inflation

Progressive Tax Reform

September 28, 2021

A Quick Guide to Washington’s Tax Code

Investments in public services and programs are an investment in all of us

Paid Family and Medical Leave

September 15, 2021

Joanna’s Story – Paid Family and Medical Leave

Research Feed

A Fair Deal at Work
What’s Happening with Wages in Washington

Why most workers won’t be ready for the next (inevitable) recession

A Fair Deal at Work
How Family Finances Are Being Squeezed

Costs are rising faster than incomes for the typical Washington family