Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Healthy Communities

November 17, 2022

Washingtonians Struggle to Afford High Health Care Costs

Elected leaders must make addressing healthcare costs a top priority

An Inclusive Economy

October 25, 2022

Where is the Wealth in Washington?

A wealth tax is the missing link to Washington’s tax code

Higher Education

October 20, 2022

Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness is A Necessary Step in the Right Direction

Student loan forgiveness will provide immediate psychological, and material benefits for borrowers and their communities.


October 7, 2022

Meet Traci Underwood, EOI’s new Policy Director!

Help us welcome Traci to the team


September 15, 2022

2022 Changemakers – Remixed!

Making Change, Together!

Early Learning

August 19, 2022

The Child Care Emotional Roller Coaster

Decades of underfunding has left the child care sector on the brink of collapse

Research Feed

An Inclusive Economy
Net Worth of WA’s 12 Billionaires Jumped 28 Percent in 3 Months of COVID-19

Meanwhile State and Local Government Services Face Deep Cuts

Funding Public Services
Taxing Employers for Windfall Compensation in the Pandemic

Models already exist to tax obscenely generous compensation

An Inclusive Economy
Progressive Revenues to Rebuild Washington’s Economy

Policymakers must not repeat the mistakes of the Great Recession

State of Working Washington
No shelter in a storm: Why most workers couldn’t prepare for the economic fallout from COVID-19

Most of the gains from a decade of economic growth went to the top