Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

Progressive Tax Reform

February 1, 2023

Majority of Washington Residents Support a Tax on the Ultra-Wealthy

New polling shows strong support for proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy

Healthy Communities

January 25, 2023

Top 5 Fixes for High Health Care Prices

High health care costs are driving Washington workers and families over the edge

An Inclusive Economy

January 19, 2023

PRESS RELEASE: State Lawmakers Introduce the Washington State Wealth Tax 

Tax on multimillionaires and billionaires could fund education, housing, disability services, and direct cash assistance programs 


December 15, 2022

2023 Legislative Agenda

By strengthening the core pillars of our economy – including child care, health care, educational opportunity, economic security, and our public revenue system – we can diminish economic, racial, and gender inequity.

An Inclusive Economy

December 7, 2022

One missing piece in Washington’s tax puzzle: A wealth tax

The way our state raises money is not fair. A wealth tax would help right that wrong.


November 21, 2022

Help EOI Kickoff the New Year and Legislative Session!

Register for our Session Kickoff Event Today: January 5th, 2023

Research Feed

Retirement Security
Social Security Works for Washington State

Five facts and six fixes for "America's pension" in 2020

Inclusive Health Access
Everyone Deserves Access to Affordable Health Care

Without it, we can’t erase health inequities or flatten the COVID-19 curve

State of Working Washington
COVID-19 Pandemic Means Unprecedented Job Losses, but Impact Isn’t Uniform

Smaller, high-wage sectors and people with college degrees face better odds

Funding Public Services
Lessons from Washington’s Anemic Recovery from the Great Recession

Lack of Tax Diversity and Austerity Created Budget Shrinkage and Job Loss Lasting a Decade