Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Blog Feed

An Inclusive Economy

April 11, 2023

The Legislature’s Budget Proposals Fall Short of Ensuring Economic Support for Washingtonians

Lawmakers budget proposals offer modest investments -- we must go farther

Progressive Tax Reform

April 3, 2023

Podcast: Why We Need a Wealth Tax

EOI's Carolyn Brotherton joins Washington's Indivisible Podcast to discuss the state wealth tax


March 24, 2023

Women’s Labor is Women’s History 

To understand women's history, we must learn the role of women - and especially women of color - in the labor movement 

Progressive Tax Reform

March 24, 2023

Victory! Washington Takes a Critical Step Towards Balancing our Tax Code

Washington state supreme court upholds the capital gains tax

Inclusive Health Access

February 15, 2023

Podcast: Getting to Lower Health Care Costs in Washington

EOI's Sam Hatzenbeler discusses our health care cost crisis and what the legislature can do to solve it

February 10, 2023

Thirty Years of FMLA, How Many More Till We Pass Paid Leave for All?

The U.S. is overdue for a federal paid leave policy

Research Feed

COVID-19 Toolkit: Building a Brighter Future for Washington

The policy solutions we need to emerge from this crisis with a stronger state and economy

State of Working Washington
The Wealth Divide: It’s Not Race vs. Class — It’s Both

Bold policy choices can address gaps between (and within) racial/ethnic groups

State of Working Washington
Unemployment Drops — but 200,000 Jobs are Still Missing

Washington's underlying economic problems won't be fixed without strong rescue and relief