Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Paid Sick Days: Healthy, responsible prevention for Washington state

Paid time off from work to recover from illness, care for a sick child, or see a doctor is a prerequisite for healthy workers and businesses, public health, family economic security, and even children’s success in school. Yet four in ten workers get no paid sick leave – including many restaurant, grocery, and health care workers who are on the front lines of food safety and public health.

Adopting such a standard in Washington would help to prevent the spread of disease in our schools, restaurants and places of business, protecting public and community health throughout the state. Further, paid sick leave is an essential building block for ensuring economic stability for all workers and their families.

The years since the Great Recession began have left many struggling to stay afloat as unemployment and reductions in work hours have wreaked havoc on family budgets. These difficult economic times highlight the importance of workplace benefits, including paid sick leave, in protecting individual and family economic security.

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