Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Facts about the Family and Medical Leave Act in Washington State

Why do we need to expand availability of family and medical leave in Washington?

  •  With the aging population, many workers have responsibility for frail elders.
  • 35% of workers, men and women alike, provided regular care for a parent or inlaw over 65 in 2002.
  • Over the next 10 years, 1 in 10 Americans will need to take time off work to care for an elderly family member.
  • A majority of parents are employed.
  • In 78% of today’s families both parents work.
  • Both parents work in 52.7% of married-couple families with children under 6.
  • In single parent families with children under age of 6, 63.8% of mothers and 83.9% of fathers work.

Why Do People Take Family and Medical Leave?

  • 52% of people take leave to care for their own serious illness.
  • 31% of people take lave to care for a seriously ill family member.
  • 18% of people take leave to care for a new child.

Who Takes Family and Medical Leave?

  • 42% of leave-takers are men.>
  • 58% are women.
  • 16.5% of workers took leave under FMLA in 12 month period.

For How Long Do People Take Family and Medical Leave?

  • 50% of workers take family and medical leave for 10 days or less.
  • 27% of leave taken intermittently.
  • 9.2% take for full 12 weeks.

How Many Workers Are Protected by the FMLA?

  • About 60% of workers are protected by the FMLA.
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