Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

EOI’s 2018 Policy Priorities

Our mission: build an economy that works for everyone by advancing public policies that promote educational opportunity, good jobs, healthy families & workplaces, and a dignified retirement for all.

Legislative and Legal Action

Health Care: Identify and develop state-based solutions to maintain and expand health care coverage, while improving access and affordability for communities across the state.

Equal Pay and Opportunity: Pass legislation giving workers new tools to help ensure they are being paid equitably and have access to career opportunities.

Tax Reform: Defend the recently passed income tax ordinance in Seattle through the State Supreme Court and continue to work for progressive revenue solutions to support public services.

Higher Education: Capitalize on political commitments to institute free community college in Seattle. Help mobilize sentiment for free community college tuition statewide, financed with new progressive revenue sources.

Implementation & Evaluation

Paid Family and Medical Leave: Ensure successful implementation of paid family and medical leave in 2020, working with the State and community partners to ensure rules, procedures, and outreach activities support easy and equitable access.

Research & Development

Child Care Worker Compensation & Affordability: Work with stakeholders to research and develop policy solutions for building an early learning system that supports kids, families, and workers.

Social Security: Work with allies nationwide to defend and improve Social Security, and explore state-based policy solutions to enhance retirement security in Washington State.


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