Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Early Childhood Education Study Tour Briefing Book

Welcome to the briefing book for the Economic Opportunity Institute & World Forum Foundation 2007 Early Learning Study Tour to England and Finland.

This book sought to provide study tour participants with a basic factual grounding in the early learning systems of these two nations. It draws comparisons between related public policies of the US (and Washington State wherever possible) and those of the UK and Finland.

The book begins with a general overview of some of the social, economic, philosophical, and historical issues that inform and influence the delivery of high-quality early learning. Succeeding chapters review some of the main aspects of early childhood education and care (ECEC) in each country, including:

  • Levels and types of provision;
  • Costs and funding;
  • Family benefits and leave policies; and
  • Qualification and compensation of the early learning workforce.

For more information about the 2007 Early Learning Study Tour, please refer to the report on the findings of the study tour, “A World of Opportunity”.

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