Higher Education

From community colleges to graduate school, higher education is an engine of both personal and national prosperity. Decades ago, public investment in higher education kept tuition low. But continued state budget cuts have driven tuition cost up, compounding the student debt crisis that challenges the economic future of today’s graduates. To make higher education affordable and accessible again, EOI is working to restore public investments in higher education that will lower tuition, so the doors of higher education are open to all residents.

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Higher Education

April 8, 2020

Student Loans in the Era of COVID-19

About 1.2 million people will not benefit from the federal relief

Higher Education

February 14, 2020

As More People Need Degrees, Rural Washingtonians Are Left Behind

Community colleges are vital institutions, especially in the age of automation

Ending Corporate Tax Breaks

January 24, 2020

The false promise of tech companies funding higher education

How one clause created a statewide budget shortfall