Building an economy that works for everyone

Improving Health Care Affordability

Health equity means that patients have the care they need when they need it, regardless of personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socioeconomic status. Today, hundreds of thousands of people in Washington State are uninsured or underinsured and have limited access to the health care they need. EOI is taking a community-based approach to healthcare by developing policies that expand affordability, comprehensiveness of care, accessibility, and cost containment and that build upon existing infrastructure and programs whenever possible, as a pathway to universal affordable coverage.

Blog Feed

Funding Public Services

August 24, 2021

2021 Federal Reconciliation Package Priorities

The U.S. Congress is working out the details of a Human and Care Infrastructure package that will make major investments in childcare, health care, paid family and medical leave and more

Healthy Communities

July 30, 2021

Happy Anniversary to Medicare and Medicaid

What we've gained and why it's urgent to keep pushing for change

Inclusive Health Access

May 14, 2021

Health Policy Spotlight: How the American Rescue Plan Act Might Save you Money

Learn how the ARPA might benefit you and your family