Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

This is one promise worth keeping

10-year-old EJ Swanson shows his excitement over Old Glory.**

Today there is plenty of evidence the American Dream is in serious trouble. A recent Federal Reserve study found median household net worth has dropped almost 40% since 2007. With the cost of higher education skyrocketing, how can the next generation have more opportunity – or even the same opportunity – as we did?

EOI is working to reverse these troubling trends and restore the promise of the middle class. One of our most exciting policy initiatives would make college accessible and affordable to every student willing to put in the time and effort to get there.

But we need your help to accomplish our mission. Your gift today will help us continue our work – and thanks to a generous donor, every gift will be matched (up to our $10,000 goal).

As of today, we’ve raised nearly $6,000! Please contribute whatever you can today to help us reach our goal – thank you!

**Send us your favorite flag photo – the winner of “best picture” (as chosen by EOI’s summer interns) will receive a delicious apple pie!

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