Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Social Security: Why It’s Not Broke and How We Can Expand It


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Join us for this free public forum to learn how expanding Social Security can help stop the collapse of the middle class, lessen the pressure squeezing families from all directions, and end the upward redistribution of wealth that has resulted in perilous levels of inequality.

Featuring Nancy Altman and Eric Kingson (co-authors of the new book “Social Security Works!: Why Social Security Isn’t Going Broke and How Expanding It Will Help Us All”), together with Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and Washington State Labor Council President Jeff Johnson.

Date: February 23, 2015
Time: 7 pm
Location: Joe Crump Hall, UFCW Local 21

With the decline in defined benefit pensions and the total inadequacy of 401(k)s, a retirement crisis looms — one that will affect more than two-thirds of today’s workers. All Americans deserve to have dignified retirement years as well as an umbrella to protect them and their families in the event of disability or premature death. At stake are our values and the kind of country we want for ourselves and for those that follow.

We know Social Security is not “going broke” — and we know it does not add a penny to the national debt. But we are fighting against a three-decade-long, billionaire-funded campaign of misinformation and false choices, all designed to make it seem as if Social Security is destined to collapse.

This forum is part of a national campaign to fight back with a growing chorus of citizens (and ultimately, members of Congress) who are calling for an expansion of Social Security. Join us – free and open to the public – please RSVP here

Sponsored by: Social Security Works – WA || Endorsed by: American Federation of Government Employees, 3927 | American Federation of Teachers Washington – Retirees | Economic Opportunity Institute | Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action-PSARA | Seattle NOW | Socialist Alternative | UFCW 21 | Washington Community Action Network! Washington Young Emerging Labor Leaders | Washington Alliance for Retired Americans | Washington State Labor Council AFL-CIO | Washington State Retired Public Employee Council | M. L. King County Labor Council

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