Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Paid family and medical leave in WA: With your help, we can and we will!

Evelin and her family, ready to testify for Paid Family and Medical Leave in Olympia, WA!

Evelin and her family, ready to testify for Paid Family and Medical Leave in Olympia, WA!

I’d like to tell you a story about Evelin – a proud daughter, social worker, and mother of two. A couple of years ago, her family faced a tough decision: Evelin’s father Jose was on the verge of kidney failure and desperately needed surgery.

The good news? Jose had good health care. The bad news? His surgery required six weeks of recovery time – and his job provided less than two weeks off per year. Jose delayed his surgery for a year trying to save up sick days and money, but eventually his health became so bad, he had no choice.

Can you imagine having to decide between your income and getting a life-saving surgery? So many families in Washington face similar predicaments every day. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You and I can make change happen.

Will you give a gift right now to help us pass Paid Family and Medical Leave in 2017?


Every gift moves us closer to advancing progressive policy wins in Washington State!

After only four weeks post-surgery, Jose had to return to work because he couldn’t afford to stay home without pay. His lack of paid leave affected the whole family, including Evelin:

“I used up all of my paid leave taking care of my father after his surgery. I worry now that one of my kids will get sick this winter, and I won’t have any sick time left to stay home with them. Families like mine should not have to struggle to keep our families healthy.” -Evelin

EOI is pulling out all the stops to advance Paid Family and Medical Leave in Washington next year – a program that would allow workers to take paid time off to care for a sick child, an aging parent, or recover from a serious injury or illness.

You are a crucial part of this fight and we need your support. Will you join us?


We are building a better Washington, but we can’t do this without you!

Given who President-Elect Trump is appointing to his cabinet, his administration will almost certainly work to dismantle protections for workers and families in ways we can’t even imagine right now.

But here in Washington, we can still make progress that shows change for the better is possible. We need your support now to help us do what we do best: advance bold, worker-centered progressive policies at the local and state levels.

With you by our side, we can and we will.

With respect and gratitude,

John Burbank
Executive Director

Did you hear? Every donation given above $100 by December 31, 2016 will be matched by a generous donor, up to $10,000! If you have questions or prefer not to give online, contact EOI Development Manager, Sam Hatzenbeler, or (206) 529-6375. Thank you!

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