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New research highlights the value of unions to child care providers

child care workers

Washington state family child care providers

As the issue of child care provider unionization is considered in multiple states, a better understanding is needed regarding the effects of unionization on improvements in training, access to information, and  quality of care to children and communities.

Two recent studies, one conducted by EOI and the other by Rutgers University, help to shed light on the effect of unionization on child care providers.

The research finds that when child care providers have the right to form unions, it helps to stabilize conditions, improve job satisfaction, and raise wages to appropriate levels—all of which are vital to providing the best possible care for children. And because in-home child care providers face very low pay and poor access to benefits and training opportunities, a union also offers child care workers a collective voice to improve their working conditions.

American Rights at Work compiled finding from these report into a short summary of findings, available here.

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