Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Nancy Pelosi and Lilly Ledbetter want to talk

Event Title GraphicIn November, we gathered nearly 300 women and families in Seattle to hear from House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, local members of Congress and local advocates on strengthening women’s economic security.

On January 29th, the Economic Opportunity Institute, our allies, and champions in Congress invite you to join an unprecedented national conversation with Nancy Pelosi and Lilly Ledbettermoderated by actor Cynthia Nixon – about these issues and the changes that will advance income equality and economic security for women and families in America.

There’s still time to sign up! Can you make it?  Here are the details:

Let’s Talk About It: Advancing women and families in 2014
A National Tele-Townhall Event on fair pay, paid leave, and access to child care

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
5:30 p.m. PST

From the comfort of your phone
No numbers to dial; we’ll call you to connect to the event  


Fair pay, paid sick days, paid family and medical leave, and affordable child care are fundamental policy reforms that need to be on the national agenda. Hear from – and ask questions of – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Lilly Ledbetter, working women from across America, and Congresswomen championing these critical issues.

Help make 2014 a year focused on advancing women and families in America.

RSVP now to join the Wednesday, January 29th call.

Sponsoring organizations  

9to5, AAUW, Alliance for Justice, Caring Across Generations, Caring Economy Campaign, Center for Law and Social Policy, Center for Popular Democracy, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Direct Care Alliance, Economic Opportunity Institute, Equal Pay Coalition NYC, Family Equality Council, Family Forward Oregon, Family Values @ Work, Feminist Majority, Food Chain Workers Alliance, Interfaith Worker Justice, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Labor Project for Working Families, MomsRising, National Alliance for Caregiving, National Association of Mothers’ Centers, National Association of Social Workers, National Consumers League, National Council of Jewish Women, National Council of La Raza (NCLR), National Organization for Women, National Partnership for Women & Families, National Women’s Law Center, NC Families Care, New York Paid Leave Coalition, Organizing for Action, OWL-The Voice of Midlife and Older Women, PathWays PA, Progressive States Network, Restaurant Opportunities Center, RESULTS, RI Women’s Fund, Rockefeller Family Fund, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), TakeAction Minnesota, The Voter Participation Center, UltraViolet, USAction, Washington Work and Family Coalition, Women Employed, and Working Families.

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