Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Join us for the next Washington Policy Watch salon: Women’s Economic Security

Photo: Janet McKnight/Flickr Creative Commons

Photo: Janet McKnight/Flickr Creative Commons

Join EOI Policy Director Marilyn Watkins, Sen. Karen Keiser, Rep. Tana Senn, Rep. June Robinson, and local women business leaders for a spirited and informative discussion about women’s economic security in Washington state.

Washington Policy Watch is a series of salon-style events designed to promote public dialogue about important policy issues facing our state. Our next session will focus on what it will take for women to achieve true economic security, including such policies as equal pay and paid leave.

This is your chance to share your ideas, learn more about what happened this legislative session, and discuss what it means for the future. Please join us!

Washington Policy Watch: Women’s Economic Security
Wednesday, July 8, 2015: 5:30 – 7:00 pm
Lloyd Building, 603 Stewart Street, Suite 420, Seattle, WA 98101
Free, donations accepted
RSVP required: Register here


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