Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Join us for the Legislative Summit on Racial Equity

handsToo often, policies are blind to the true impact they have on low-income and communities of color. Well-intended hopes can result in disastrous outcomes when the voices of those most affected are not included or considered.

Here at EOI, we believe in the power of everyone coming to the table to have a stronger collective voice – that’s why we’re co-sponsoring the upcoming Legislative Summit on Racial Equity with the Washington Community Action Network (Washington CAN!) and more than 20 other community partners.

The summit will focus on 5 key areas critical to racial equity here in Washington:

  1. Statewide Paid Sick Days for all workers in Washington.
  2. The Basic Health Option increasing access to health insurance for low-income Washingtonians.
  3. The Dental Access Campaign, for more affordable dental care.
  4. The DREAM Act, to provide financial aid to more young aspiring citizens.
  5. The Youth Opportunity Act, helping rehabilitated youth reintegrate into society.

“The goal of the event is to bring together legislators and community members to discuss issues impacting communities of color and low-income communities in Washington. The focus of the event will be sharing personal stories, and outlining a proactive policy agenda that will move our state towards racial equity.

Legislators will have time to talk with community members, hear people’s experiences and gain a deeper understanding of 2014 policy pieces that will advance racial equity. There will be a call to action/commitment from the larger group to work on these issues, and we’ll be asking legislators to be champions for the various bills we’re advocating for.”

We hope you will join us!

What: Legislative Summit on Racial Equity
When: Tuesday, December 3rd from 6pm-8pm
Where: New Holly Gathering Hall (7054 32nd Ave S, Seattle, WA. 98118)

Childcare and interpretation will be provided. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.

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