Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Join us for a Winter Solstice Celebration at EOI

Let's Ring in the Winter!

We invite you to come in from the cold and join us for an evening at the Economic Opportunity Institute. We’ll provide light refreshments and best of all, we’ll be joined by Janelle Jones, the Director of Policy and Research at the HUB Project, an organization advancing progressive campaigns to build a more just economy.

Janelle brings a rich background of policy work at the Economic Policy Institute and the Center for Economic Policy Research and a forward-looking agenda for policy progress at the state and federal level. Janelle’s work has focused on worker compensation, household income, and racial economic disparities. We are excited to invite Janelle onto our board for 2019!

Join us for a cocktail hour of wine, cheese, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages followed by a short program and question-and-answer session with Janelle.

Cocktail hour 5:30-6, Short program 6-6:30

This event is free, but space is limited. We encourage you to register at to secure your spot.

Location is wheelchair accessible.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions. We hope to see you soon!

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