And now our idea is spreading across the country.
There’s still time to give for GiveBIG: click here
A little more than two years ago, it seemed no one could see a path out of the crippling ‘high-tuition, high-debt’ model for funding public higher education. So we decided to re-imagine the system.
What if students went to college tuition-free? And then contributed to a state trust fund that would pay for future students to also attend college tuition-free?
A system like this has the potential to put college within everyone’s reach! We called it ‘Pay It Forward’.
Today, 27 states have introduced legislation for Pay It Forward studies or pilot programs — and EOI is at the center of it all.
Improving access to higher education is just one of many policy changes we’re working on to build an economy that works for everyone.
That’s why we are trying to raise $20,000 TODAY for GiveBIG, an annual one-day, online charitable giving event.
All gifts — up to $10,000 — made by 11:59 p.m. TONIGHT will be matched!
Thank you for helping renew hope for so many students.
With gratitude,
John Burbank
Executive Director
P.S. Want to give a gift over the phone or by check instead? Contact Emily Groves, Development Director, for other giving options.
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