Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Help EOI Kickoff the New Year and Legislative Session!

Register for our Session Kickoff Event Today: January 5th, 2023


Save the Date for our 2023 Session Kickoff Event!

January 5th, 2023, at 5 pm 

Register today: 2023 legislative session is rapidly approaching. This year, EOI will be working with a number of partners and stakeholders to introduce important bills to strengthen the core pillars of our economy, support working families, and build more resilient communities in Washington.

Join us on January 5th, 2023, at 5 pm to learn about the bills we will be working to advance in the new year and hear from EOI’s policy team about the issues that matter most to you.


Join our policy staff as we frame key issues facing our state, present our policy agenda, and share tips on advocating for your communities through the legislative session. 
Then we’ll turn the floor over to you, for a short Q&A to wrap up the event.

We so appreciate your ongoing support and would be honored if you would join us for our 2023 session kickoff.
Want to stay involved and engaged during session? Join our Action List to get email updates with quick and easy links to contact your legislator and support the issues that matter most to you.
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