Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Big News! EOI Names Summer Stinson as Incoming Executive Director

She will begin her new role on July 3rd, 2021


Following founding Executive Director John Burbank’s retirement announcement in September of 2020, the Board set out to find someone with the right vision and experience to lead EOI into the future. We have found that leader in Board Secretary, progressive advocate, and long-time friend of EOI, Summer Stinson. 

Bringing over twenty-five years of leadership experience in law and public advocacy, across public and private sectors, Summer possesses the skills, background, and energy to guide EOI into its next chapter.  

Summer’s career reflects her dedication to strengthening our state’s public services and creating economic opportunity for allIn addition to having served on EOI’s Board of Directors since 2019, Summer has worked for the past decade as an Assistant Regional Counsel and Special Assistant US Attorney in the Social Security Administration, promoting economic security and building a shared commonwealth for all of us. As a co-founder of long-time EOI coalition partner, Washington’s Paramount Duty an organization focused on securing progressive revenue to support public education Summer built strong relationships with both local and state lawmakers leveraging her experience in advocacy, organizing, and her leadership skills to advanced bold progressive policy in Washington state. 

We are thrilled to have this powerhouse leader at the helm of our organization. Please join us in welcoming Summer to her new role as Executive Director.  


 “Summer will provide the leadership to ensure that EOI continues and accelerates its work to advance sound economic policy which supports working Washingtonians.”

Michael Tamayo, EOI’s Board President


“Summer brings a true, organic, honest, and progressive generational transfer of leadership to our organization. I greet her appointment with joy and optimism for EOI and the future of progressive policy development in Washington state.” 

John Burbank, EOI’s Founding Executive Director

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