Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

After nearly 2 years of waiting, SeaTac Airport workers will finally get their $15 minimum wage

Photo credit: Puget Sound Sage

Photo credit: Puget Sound Sage

Via Puget Sound Sage: Against the full force of big business (Alaska Airlines) and our own publicly owned airport (Port of Seattle) – including the best lawyers money can buy – we have shown once again that the people can prevail (and our lawyers are smarter than theirs).

The SeaTac minimum wage was won in November 2013, but a lower court judge ruled it could not apply to the actual airport, leaving the vast majority of covered workers bereft of its benefits. That decision was overturned today by the State Supreme Court. This is critical, because the SeaTac law does more than lift wages – it creates a host of fair labor standards, including tip protection, paid sick and safe days, worker retention, collective bargaining opt-out, and more hours for part time workers.

The full economic benefits of Proposition 1 can now be unleashed, putting an estimated $40 million back into our local economies. With the long-awaited wage increase, workers will be able to spend more money in SeaTac and surrounding small businesses.

Photo credit: Puget Sound Sage

Photo credit: Puget Sound Sage

We salute all of the workers who put their jobs on the line to organize for better working conditions – from fuelers to wheelchair assistants to rental car workers – as well as the amazing coalition of faith, community and labor that fought so hard to win change at the ballot.

This is a momentous day for SeaTac, Washington State, and the movement for workers’ rights!

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