Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

$2 million for country club members or school lunches for low-income kids?



It’s the quintessential “sport” – friends gathered in their best pink argyle, smoking cigars around the first tee at dawn, waiting for their caddies to carry over their clubs and yardage books. The best part? Members of swanky golf and country clubs pay no sales tax to enjoy this bastion of privilege. Take a swing at this tax loophole to save school lunches for thousands of kids in Washington.

Legislators are considering reducing the school meals program that provides discounted breakfasts and lunches to low-income kids across Washington. Without this cost-effective program, thousands of kids will go hungry in the classroom, distracting them and their classmates, and hampering everyone’s learning environment. Closing the sales tax loophole for country clubs would save $2 million every two years, enough to prevent reductions in school meals for thousands of kids.

If you agree, click here to ‘Trade In’ Trade-In the sales tax loophole for country clubs and save school meals for low-income kids.

Learn more: Trade-In the Sales Tax Giveaway for Display Items at Trade Shows and Save Medical Interpreter Services »

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