Where we stand and what we’ll do
Like many Washingtonians, we at the Economic Opportunity Institute have watched the actions of the new federal administration with growing alarm, horror, and grief. We have been in the fight for economic justice since 1998, and the values we fight for – fairness, care, and opportunity – have never been more under threat.
Our work in this Washington is rooted in our understanding that the public policies that shape our state’s economy have long worked better for the rich and powerful than they do for everyone else. As the richest among us have hoarded wealth and power on an unimaginable scale over the last 27 years, we have fought for policies that build security and opportunity for all of us – because those values form the foundation of an economy that truly works for everyone.
January 2025 brought into power a collection of people, including the richest man on the planet and many members of this country’s growing oligarchy, who are moving swiftly to unilaterally and undemocratically disinvest in programs fought for and won by working people over decades of advocacy and agitation. These actions have destabilized our entire economy, threatening in a matter of days tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of thousands of lives. Our government is being stripped for parts to line the pockets of — and consolidate control by — the ultra-wealthy.
These actions strike at the heart of our constitutional democracy. We know they are only the beginning. The nature of authoritarianism now ascendant in the other Washington is that there must always be an enemy within. If you are not an enemy now, you will inevitably become one. When the nation’s purse strings, regulations, and public servants are ruled by the decree of an unelected billionaire and his unelected posse, every one of us is in danger.
It is beyond the power of any single organization, including ours, to interrupt the national cycle of degeneracy and retribution that is now underway. But it is everyone’s responsibility to clearly name what is happening and stand up for our values wherever we have even a small sphere of influence.
Here in Washington, we can make a difference — and we are staying in the fight to make this state a national model of economic opportunity. In this dangerous and uncertain moment, we call upon our elected leaders, our neighbors, and ourselves to demonstrate what kind of world it is possible to build when we truly live in solidarity with one another.
We welcome your thoughts. We welcome your collaboration. We welcome your support.